Thank you

I often get asked ‘how do you stay motivated’? I won’t lie training for such an event is not all sunshine and lollipops, I have great days, average days and tough days. The tough days could be that I am physically tired from perhaps a late night or rough sleep, or it could be mental tiredness, in that something has triggered a sadness that sometimes overcomes me, it comes with the territory of losing a child.

I am fortunate to have a supportive husband and son that I can always lean on and grab a big hug when I need, BUT I also gratefully look to those that have stepped up to support me in a variety of ways.

I have had people quick to donate their hard earned cash, I have had people donate their services in kind, I have had people reach out to their networks to help, I have had people donate prizes to my auction and raffle, I have had strangers reach out and support my running challenge and I have had people share my website to help raise awareness.

THIS is what keeps me motivated to get up each day and tick of another session.

As I mentioned in my initial video, I can do the running by myself but I cannot raise the million dollars on my own. So thank you to everyone that keeps spreading the word and helping me to stay on track…. or rather the trail.

Thanks for reading xx


1,000 kilometres


Training on Track