1,000 kilometres

Last Friday morning I hit a milestone, 1,000 kilometres in training so far. It has taken three months, and really put into perspective the challenge ahead, as I hope to achieve the same in twenty days running to Melbourne.

I get asked every week how do I stay motivated, it is a fair enough question when I am running practically every day of the week. My answer is mini goals, by setting mini targets along the way it helps to break the training challenge down but also to keep my mentally switched on.

So last week it was to hit 1000 kilometres, this week I am focusing on reaching 10,000 kilometres of my virtual run around Australia, with the Runs Of The World App, something I started in 2020. The total lap of Australia is 14,080 kilometres, so I am close to completing, and that is a target for later in the year.

I also break my training runs down by day, I do not look at the week and think oh wow how am I going to get through that, I focus on one day at a time. I even break down a long run, for example my 3.5hr run on a Sunday I broke down by national parks. I knew I would cross through three on my run home and just focused on one at a time. Everything is achievable if you look at it simply.

So as I head into a recovery week with some rest days and a lighter run load, I am focusing on some fundraising targets, that being to hit $10,000 by 31st May!

Wish me luck!!


Consolidation Week


Thank you