So Close

With 18 sleeps to go, it still feels like there is much to do. I am heading into my last solid week of training before I start to wind it back for November 1.

This past week, I would say has been one of the most mentally challenging with a few non running events to process that I was not expecting. These events tended to draw on energy that I probably required, this late on the program, to see me through to the start line.

We also had an interview with Channel 7, for the Sunday night news edition, this took a few hours and is something that sucks immense energy from me as I get quite anxious about putting myself out in the spotlight. It is something I know I have to do for the cause, but it is not something I will ever get comfortable with.

I ticked of my weekly runs and headed into Saturday’s 3 hour road run feeling a little distracted. This distraction made for a hard run, it felt heavy and unfortunately I felt like I was not getting enough calories in for the necessary energy required to keep ticking over. I was pretty pleased to tick this one of, and another 27km in the bank. I sat in the recovery boots that afternoon thinking about how Sunday’s 4 hours may look on the trails.

It’s funny how the head works… I love the trails and always go into these sessions with a better mindset than a road run, but in saying that, the way I felt Saturday I wasn’t sure how I would wake up.

JB was wanting to do some filming, so I met him, which in hindsight was probably ideal as it distracted any thoughts I had left over from Saturday as we ran and chatted for 2 and a half hours. Once he left me I was back to my own thoughts, but with only 90 minutes to knock off by then I knew the day would get done. Another big weekend, locking away 60km.

David sent through my final 3 weeks of training, and with one more big week to go, I know I can get through it. My main concern now is to stay healthy, I have worked so hard that I don’t want to get any niggles or sniffles. I also thank friends who have in recent weeks cancelled on me because you have not felt well, this shows amazing support and that you totally understand what I am trying to achieve.

Thanks for reading xx


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