Rest Week

Last week was week 25 since I started training for this epic run, but it was also a recovery week. Recovery week’s mean lighter load and time for the body to repair from any niggles or fatigue, before the next building block.

I made the most of the week, which included three non running days, and focused on strength and conditioning. I started with my usual Monday Physio session just to release the hip and lower back, especially as I had run 48km the previous day (as per last blog).

I also took the opportunity to catch up for lunch with my parents who live at Victor Harbor, we headed to Goolwa for lunch. It was nice as Luke was also on holidays from work so we all went. I also squeezed in a coffee with a girlfriend and as I did not have a run Sunday caught up with friends for a birthday lunch celebration. With longer runs on the weekends I generally am pretty unsociable currently when it comes to getting out and about.

I am also aware of laying low through the flu season as this is the last thing I need to catch at this point. I also figure there will be plenty of time for catch ups once this run is done…. starting in Bali in December!!

Although I have been doing my usual strength work in the gym at home, I felt I was just missing something and needed some more focused conditioning, especially now as the long runs are getting longer. So I have employed the services of Gerard, a high performance coach (HPC Coaching) who my son and his mates have worked with since their school days. After my first session I immediately knew this was the smart thing to do as the exercises were hitting the right spots.

Endurance running is 80% mental but if you don’t train for that 20% physical you won’t even get to the endurance zone. I know I have the mental resilience, but at almost 54 years old I need to ensure the body can come along for the wild ride.

Today it’s 109 days to the start line and also the start of a new building block. My coach, David, (Perform Best), is happy with how I am following the program with discipline and the progress I am making.

It also looks like I might have some average weather to run in this week, but I have been very lucky so far with only 2 runs in the rain and about 3 where I’ve needed to start with gloves.

Have a great week and thanks for reading x


Mitsubishi Story


Simulation Day