Planning Underway

I spent three months researching if what I wanted to do was even realistic, before I uttered the words out loud about my goal. I printed maps, read blogs of hikers and cyclists, scoured google earth then laid out a route for my run.

Fortunately I am a details person when it comes to planning, whether its a holiday or a new trail event. I am also a paper map person, I like to see the whole picture not just a little part on my screen. I have a very good sense of direction and ability to visualise the map once I have studied it, this comes in handy when second guessing yourself. I have also been known to be given the nickname GPS by some of my fellow trail runners.

Once I had all the information at hand I calculated the kilometres per day based on the elevations and terrain for the area I would be running through. It’s not as simple as taking your average pace on your Sunday run. Once I established this I worked out best and worst case time for the day.

This is something that may have to be adjusted on the run as I go, flexibility is key when attempting something big!!


Day 1 - Let the grind begin.


100kms for Stillbirth