
If I was to pick one word to sum up my week, it would be Grateful.

When I decided, last year, to run from Adelaide to Port Melbourne, raising funds and awareness for Stillbirth I was nervous as to how that would all look. Questions of, will I make it, will I be able to raise the funds, especially in a time where cost of living is critical but even more so would people listen, would they really support my cause and try to understand how Stillbirth is an enormous health crisis in Australia.

I knew that not everyone would jump on board, as let’s face it, I am not famous, I am not an elite athlete or an influencer and I am definitely not an extrovert. I was therefore relying entirely on my family, friends and the Stillbirth Foundation Australia and their networks to help get campaign rolling.

This week after a positive catch up with my coach David from PeformBest, I sat back and reflected on how, not only am I progressing, but the whole campaign. I have been overwhelmed at those that have jumped on board to support me in a variety of ways.

I have had donations from strangers all because people have shared my posts or my website and the journey I am on. I have had friends join me on my various runs, mixing it up for me, keeping me moving and keeping me laughing. To be able to break up my runs with others, and have them stick to the pace I need is wonderful.

I have had numerous messages of support, friends checking in and also friends understanding why I’m not socially available very much, I will be saving that for after the run! I have had strangers reach out and tell me their story, which to me means a lot as my mantra is, Breaking The Silence On Stillbirth.

I have had acquaintances wanting to help with donations for the luncheon auction in August, or friends call on their contacts for help.

Grateful is what I am, grateful that so many want to help and want to genuinely see me succeed at this goal. I hope the ball keeps rolling and more individuals or company’s jump on board to help me, help make a difference to the incidence and impact of Stillbirth as it’s been ignored for far to long.

Thanks for reading x


What a Week!


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