How can I help?

As I complete the 11th week of training without any missed sessions, an achievement in itself, I think how lucky I am to have support from many of you.

I get asked every week, What can I do to help? How can I support you?

Obviously my goals are big, over 1000 kms of running but wanting to raise 1 million dollars is massive, but then this is what is desperately needed to enable a difference to be made into the research of Stillbirth. Therefore yes I need donations but I need them from more than just my circle of family and friends, I need donations from strangers.

So when I am asked these questions I reply, share my story, like my posts, share my donation link on your socials, amongst your networks. This will cost you absolutely no dollars and about 1 minute of your time. This is how both my fundraising goal, and raising awareness (breaking the silence) goal will be achieved and that will also spur me along with the running part!

Stillbirth is a silent tragedy and you often will not know who is affected within your network, it could be a colleague, friend of team mate on the footy field. Just imagine if by you sharing my challenge it opens up a conversation, it makes your team mate feel comfortable to speak out or your work colleague to be able to tell you they are not having a great day mentally.

Every week I receive a donation from a stranger after a friend has shared a post and every week I have someone tell me their story, some are acquaintances and some are not.

So if you are reading this and wondering how can you do your bit to help Break The Silence on Stillbirth and raise 1 million dollars then share away.

Thanks for reading x




Why Bali…