February Wrap

Well my first month of training is done and so far I have been able to tick all the sessions set for me by David. I have had quite a few questions about the run, training and routine so I thought I would answer a few here.

Do you run everyday is the question I get asked the most, so lets start with that: I started with five running days taking a rest on Mondays and Fridays, however the past two weeks I am doing a short run. David has given me the option to rest or run Friday but as it’s only short I have chosen to run as currently I am feeling good.

How many kilometres do you run? Actually for this kind of event it is more about running to time and at an achievable pace so kilometres are not to relevant. Especially as I also do a mix of trail and road so an hour on the Esplanade is going to be easier then an hour in the hills. But to give you an idea in February I ran for just over 27 hours covering 213kms.

Do you do other exercise? Yes I walk on non rest days and I do two gym sessions a week concentrating on strength, especially through my core, hips and feet.

How do you know how to train for such a run? I don’t that is why I have David fro Perform Best on my side. Using a professional and someone who has been there and done was a top priority.

Do you eat & drink anything you want? In short no. I do not usually drink much alcohol but this is definitely off limits until after the run. As for food I have always had a balanced diet so it’s not much change but I have increased my calcium foods as being an older women this is important and even more so when training for endurance. I tend to start the day with a smoothie and cappuccino and finish it with yogurt for after dinner. Eggs are also big on the menu.

Are you tired all the time? Currently no, but I do have a strict bedtime routine! I tend to be tucked up by 9pm with a good book.

How long will it take you? Hopefully no more than 20 days! Like any endurance event you need to be adaptable, but I have structured my plan around running for 8 hours a day. This will enable me to finish by mid afternoon allowing plenty of time for recovery eg eating and sleeping.

Where will you sleep? Currently we are trying to source an RV from a generous donor which would be ideal.

What way are you going? Well as I hate running on roads I have chosen the long way to take in as much trail and off road as possible. So heading up to Mt Barker/Murray Bridge via trails then down to Meningie and follow the Coorong into Mt Gambier. From the mount I will head south to the Border into Nelson and follow the Great Ocean Road trails and beaches. Once at Torquay I will head up to Geelong and into Port Melbourne.

Do you run on your own? Most of my runs are solo, especially the longer ones, but I do run some of the shorter ones with different running/triathlon friends.

What can we do to help? Share my journey as the wider the audience the more likely I will achieve my goal to raise 1 million dollars and just as importantly awareness. I may be doing all the running but I can’t achieve the rest on my own.


Recovery Week


The path ahead…