
Another successful week locked away in the bank!

Caught up with David (coach) this week and he commented on how impressed he was that I have not missed a session. I must admit I have been feeling pretty good and sometimes think things are running a little too smoothly on the training front. However, I do have a great routine happening, run, recovery, nutrition and sleep all priorities currently.

I am starting to trial different foods on my longer runs, somethings work and some do not. I do not get to hung up on actual foods, it is more about teaching the gut to digest on the run as you could train with what you think you will eat at the time and then when you get to the event your gut has other thoughts.

I do tend to stick to foods that do not need to be chewed too much, puree’s are good as is mashed spuds!

Thursday I was lucky enough to have some company when Fraser joined me in Belair, all the way from Dubai. He had been watching my kangaroo reels and wanted to run with them when back home in Adelaide. I put the call out and they came in mobs, he definitely got his fix.

On the fundraising side, we have had some generous wine donors this week, for our wine wall, at the lunch in August and we really appreciate this. Coffee donations keep coming in and currently we are at $21,932, yes a long way to go but we have a lot in the pipeline to help this along.

Keep an eye out for raffle tickets that go on sale later this week to win some great prizes.

Another week ticked off and I am feeling positive about it all.

Thank for reading x


Halfway There


150 Days