So Many Highlights

I can’t believe another week has gone by, and so much has happened in the past 8 or 9 days and not just on the training track.

Training has gone well, I am still ticking of each session, even on the hard days. Life will always throw curve balls but we are in control of how we react to these, we can either make excuses and stay in bed or we can put our big girl pants on and get out there and do what our body was invented for…. moving.

Other highlights:

The Mickan’s 60th birthday event raised $965 for Stillrunning for Stillbirth. Simply by asking their guests to purchase tickets to a meat raffle on the night it created not only the dollars bit the awareness of my journey. I thank them and their wonderful friends for their generosity.

I hit the trails with the Conway’s, I had not had the opportunity to run with them for a few years and it was great sharing the morning with them catching up on life and having a laugh. I hope there is more of that to come during my training.

I launched our luncheon for Celestes birthday on the 9th August at The Highway, and thanks to Christine for being ever so helpful.

Donations are coming in steadily we are almost at $7000 which is fantastic so early in the campaign and thank you to all those that have shared my posts and links among their network as that is the only way I am going to achieve my goal of $1 million.

Today I finished the week with an easy run with a group of friends that I use to spend a lot of time with, training, adventure racing, kayaking, bootcamping and swimming, (yes I did that once). It’s been like old times with like minded people, all with our own goals but supporting each other a long the way. Such a positive environment to be around, I look forward to Sundays with this lot.

Next week’s plan is in and it’s stepping up and I am excited!!

Thanks for reading xx


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